Clark Pest Control

  • Chico, CA
  • Offices

When looking at Clark Pest Control now, you’d never guess that the plot of land had previously been an abandoned RV dealership. Sitting alongside the freeway off ramp, the dealership had been closed for 10 years prior to us beginning the renovations.

Although the property was in a prime location, due to years of neglect it had become an eyesore to the neighborhood. Weeds had completely taken over the parking lot, which at nearly an acre, was a daunting hurdle to overcome.

The underground design that the client’s civil engineer had created didn’t take into account the requirements of the City of Chico. Generally, this sort of mishap would mean a necessary increase in budget, but we were able to step in to help guide the design to meet the city’s requirements, which ultimately saved money and time for the client.


Chuck Patterson Toyota


Crain Walnut